速報APP / 生活品味 / Diary of the day

Diary of the day





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Diary of the day(圖1)-速報App

Would you like to Write a diary ?

Several years later, it will surely be your valuable asset.

With this application you can only write a diary of the day. Let's write the diary for that day on that day.

The feature of this application are as follows.

* PDF output function

Diary of the day(圖2)-速報App

Your diary can be output to PDF file, so PDF can be printed on paper with printing application, PC etc.

* Backup function

Your diary data can be backed up. You can output backup file to SD card, USB memory, Google Drive, etc.

* Support for model change

If you change the model of your phone, you can continue to write a diary by reading the backup file with a new model.(Model is Android only)

Diary of the day(圖3)-速報App

* Privacy

Since you can restrict the use of the application by entering the lock pattern, you can prevent the diary from being seen by others.

* Text entry

You can enter text, whether your phone is oriented vertically or horizontally.

* Image support

Diary of the day(圖4)-速報App

You can also put an image in the diary.

* Free app

Ad are displayed in this application, but you can use it free of charge.

Diary of the day(圖5)-速報App